Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i am back, alive and sick.
the battle is over, not sure whether it's won or not..
but at least im glad its over..
i missed the golden hour of posting my pre-bdae thoughts.
so here's the belated one..
19 years of my life..
ive been thru the good and bad times.
but its through those times.. that made me who i am today.
there's so many people i wanna thank..
to my bestfriends,bestest guy and girlfriends.. from kindergarden,primary school,secondary school, lasalle..
thanks for accepting me for who i am, and never tried to change that. given me more then i ever wanted and asked for, thanks and more thanks.
your friendship really mean alot, if you haven realise.
for those who crossed my life, and left footsteps... thankyou. if not for you, whoever you are, i wouldnt know who really stayed by myside.
knowing that i existed once, in your life is sufficient to make me prove to myself that i wasnt alone and i did change your life, in anyways.
To my family.. i love you, and just so you know. im gonna emphasis again.. i love you all.
even though sometimes i dont show it.. i know i love you, and u all love me alot.
thanks for giving me the best u could ever afford for me, loving me even though i was un-lovable sometimes..give me the strength and support that i needed at times, in fact, most times. thanks for being my pillar of strength when im quite left alone out there in the world.. to papa mama and korkor. thanks for being there =)
to my colleagues.. thanks for appearing and bringing fun and laughter to my working life.
i know working life sucks. and if not without all of you.. i dont think i can survive till today with a joy in my heart when it comes to work.
to my Creator, Lord God Jesus Christ. thanks for loving me even before i was made.. choosing me even before i was created.. give me the best, life and experience, that i could ever asked for. guiding me when the dark clouds are here.. empowering me with more faith each time im about to stumble.
to all of you reading this..
i love you all.
welcome to adulthood.. and i will really miss my teenage years..
its time to experience more. .and grow up!